Comment 0 for bug 1586770

Revision history for this message
Colin Watson (cjwatson) wrote :

In order to be able to authenticate properly to for such things as uploading snaps, snapcraft is going to need the "pymacaroons" library. (This is because it needs to be able to get a macaroon-format authentication token from myapps, then go to SSO to get a "discharge macaroon" that confirms that it actually has permission from the user in question to act on their behalf, then bind these two tokens together; it's that last step that requires pymacaroons.) pymacaroons in turn also requires python-libnacl. I hope that we're generally agreed that it would be better for snapcraft not to need to embed its own copies of these libraries.

I've packaged both of these in Debian unstable and they're therefore also in yakkety, but we need them in xenial-updates as well.