Comment 2 for bug 224898

Revision history for this message
Jeff Bronks (jeffb-dsl) wrote :

This crash leaves some rubbish in /tmp/pybackpack.cdimage, so that a second attempt to run File Backup Manager produces the error

  "An error occurred while setting up the temporary CD
  image directory '/tmp/pybackpack.cdimage/'.
  Please ensure you have write access to this location."

I do have write access to this location, as you can see from this shell session:

  me@computer:/tmp$ ls -l pybackpack.cdimage/
  total 4
  drwxr-xr-x 3 me me 4096 2008-03-22 21:01 home

but there must be some files inside that have different permissions. If I chmod 777 the whole directory then File Backup Manager gets past this point, until it crashes again when it tries to write the CD.