Comment 0 for bug 1747460

Revision history for this message
Andres Rodriguez (andreserl) wrote : [MIR] py-macaroon-bakery,


1. Availability: all

2. Rationale:
Macaroons is a new form of authorization mechanism. The macaroon bakery builds on pymacaroons, which allows it working at a higher level.

In order for MAAS (and other projects) to support macaroon based authentication, this needs to be in main. This will allow projects to support remote/centralized authentication based on macaroons.

3. Security:
No CVE's

4. QA:
0 bugs in debian/ubuntu

5. UI standards:

6. Dependencies:

Dependencies in universe:
 - python3-pymacaroons (MIR LP: #1746772)
 - python3-nacl (MIR LP: #1746772)
 - python3-protobuf
 - python3-rfc3339

7. Standards:
No lintian errors.

Packaged with debhelper. Source format is 3.0 (quilt)

Standards version: 4.4.1

8. Maintenance:

9. Background information:
This is a required dependency to implement third party/centralized authentication alongside with pymacaroons. This is a new dependency that's required by MAAS.