Comment 20 for bug 1570472

Revision history for this message
Simon Déziel (sdeziel) wrote :

When I fool puppet into thinking that Yakkety is version 16.04, it works. Here's what I did in a Yakkety container:

# upstart is required to confuse Puppet
apt-get install -y puppet upstart tftpd-hpa # note: puppet-common is gone

# fails
puppet apply -e "service { 'tftpd-hpa': ensure => stopped }"

# fool puppet into thinking that Yakkety is version 16.04
sed -i 's/DISTRIB_RELEASE=.*/DISTRIB_RELEASE=16.04/' /etc/lsb-release

# works
puppet apply -e "service { 'tftpd-hpa': ensure => stopped }"