Comment 35 for bug 986817

Revision history for this message
David Henningsson (diwic) wrote :

Hi Joe and thanks for testing,

> However, the git binary doesn't detect my motherboard's onboard HDA Intel PCH sound card (like the default pulseaudio in ubuntu does)

This could be because we have removed extra-hdmi.conf. There might still be a udev rule referencing extra-hdmi.conf as this is taken from the system rather from the new PA you're running.

You can work around this by making a symlink from extra-hdmi.conf to default.conf in src/modules/alsa/mixer/profile-sets/

> it only detects the UA-101 and then only the audio outputs, not the audio inputs.

That it only detects the audio inputs is not expected. Could you get a PulseAudio verbose log of this (run pulseaudio with -vvvv )?