Comment 1 for bug 779983

Revision history for this message
Luke Yelavich (themuso) wrote :

I have an idea what might be going on, but I need you to try something for me.

Open the file /lib/udev/rules.d/90-pulseaudio.rules as root in an editor, and remove the following line:

ATTRS{vendor}=="0x10de", ENV{PULSE_PROFILE_SET}="nvidia.conf"

Save changes, then log out or reboot. If this clears up detection of your hardware, then it seems that a fix that was added for other users who have an NVIDIA hda device needs to be made somewhat more fine graned. The NVIDIA code we have there was for users who had NVIDIA devices with realtek codecs. It seems my colleague who made that fix was unaware of NVIDIA devices with Conexant codecs.

If removing the above line does help, then we will set about fixing things such that your system is excluded from loading that configuratino file.
