Comment 18 for bug 570015

Revision history for this message
James Westby (james-w) wrote : Re: [Bug 570015] Re: High CPU usage in policykit-1

On Wed, 05 May 2010 12:53:04 -0000, Dražen Kačar <email address hidden> wrote:
> Ah, got it. Pulseaudio won't start (under my user's account) because of:
> E: module.c: Failed to load module "module-alsa-sink" (argument: "device=plughw:0 rate=44100"): initialization failed.
> E: main.c: Module load failed.
> E: main.c: Failed to initialize daemon.
> And that module was specified in ~/.pulse/, which is a
> leftover from the time when pulseaudio wasn't working and I was trying
> to do something about it.
> So I deleted ~/.pulse/, stopped pulseaudio that was started by
> hand and polkitd is still behaving perfectly fine. Even the music is
> playing, although I have no pulseaudio running. :-)
> Then I killed polkitd and it wasn't restarted. So I started pulseudio by
> hand (from my user's account) and then polkitd appeared. It's peacefully
> sleeping in poll() and isn't leaking memory.

Great, thanks for the info.

Could you confirm that you have



My guess is that "device=plughw:0 rate=44100" is no longer valid on your
system, probably the device=plughw:0 bit, which means that the module
can't load.

I'm going to reassign this to pulseaudio, as it's a poor failure mode.

To the other people subscribed to this bug, please do the same
diagnostic steps that I posted before. If you see these same messages
then you have this bug, if not, please file a new bug against pulseaudio
wiht the output you get when doing the steps (you could use "ubuntu-bug
pulseaudio" to grab a bunch of logs too).

