Comment 15 for bug 570015

Revision history for this message
Dražen Kačar (dave-fly) wrote : Re: High CPU usage in policykit-1

I wanted to try your suggestion, and discovered I had no pulseaudio running. I edited /etc/pulse/client.conf, and then:

{lestat}~# pulseaudio -k
E: main.c: Failed to kill daemon: No such process
{lestat}~> ps -ef | grep pulse
dave 19336 5056 0 14:18 pts/1 00:00:00 grep pulse

Then I started pulseaudio (as root) and the leakage in polkitd stopped. polkitd is currently sleeping in poll() and isn't doing anything.

However, I don't know why pulseaudio wasn't started by default.