Comment 153 for bug 405294

Revision history for this message
PeterPall (peterpall) wrote :

Since the history of Bug 1746164 isn't visible here I'm adding the short form here, too:

By default BT audio works fine on Ubuntu - if there is no WiFi active: Both work on the same frequency range, 2 WiFi channel is about 20 Bluetooth Channels wide and every time a WiFi package is sent bluetooth risks a packet loss.

We should ship things in a way that they work out-of-the-box => I am all for providing this file with Ubuntu, possibly with Bluez.

In the case of my laptop btcoex_enable=1 would already do the trick.

Technical background:

Until the kernel default is updated Creating a file named /etc/modprobe.d/bluetooth-audio.conf with the following content:

options ath9k btcoex_enable=1 bt_ant_diversity=1

should do the trick.