Comment 7 for bug 239757

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Ben Somers (somanyrobots) wrote :

Just to make a note, I am experiencing the same bug (also running Ubuntu Hardy). Symptoms identical to those reported by teledyn. RB will not start playing a song if any other app has engaged ALSA first (another player, firefox when viewing pages with sound, anything). If I start any other alsa-using software first (tested w/ mplayer, audacious, and firefox 3 beta), then RB will not play, keeping the tracker at 00:00. Other apps don't conflict with each other, but they all conflict with RB.

However, if I start RB as soon as I boot up, then it will monopolize alsa and no other app is able to play any sounds. If I then close RB and start another app (audacious), that app can play. If I then close the other app and restart RB, RB will not play. I also suspect it's a recent ubuntu update, as rhythmbox worked just fine until June 12 or 13.