Comment 4 for bug 239757

Revision history for this message
teledyn (garym-teledyn) wrote :

Geez get a grip man. I'm not surprised you get hundreds of bugs every day.

I have solved my problem ... by switching to Audacious.

"audio and video preference"?? wtf is that? Pardon my alarm, but do you have any notion of just how many preference dialogs are contained in the average Linux system? What do you want, chipsets and kernel drivers? and what does my video preference have to do with this? Rhythmbox only works at certain color depths or screen dot pitches?

I was also under the impression that the "report bugs" menu item in the Rhythmbox Help menu would include attachments that would report my RELEVANT system configuration details and the state of the program at the time, but clearly that's the two hundred and first bug of the day.

FWIW, I checked, and the 'preferences' dialog on your software does not include ANY audio OR video preferences.

"what audio and video preference is configured in system, preferences, sounds, audio and video? does using alsa there fixes your issue?" neither of these questions parse. My initial report clearly says I am using alsa and use aoss and all the other alsa apps, including Audacious, work fine together, only Rhythmbox fails, and this is a new situation, it worked fine until recent Ubuntu updates on 8.04. Sorry if that is not short and clear enough for you.

Stupid me, I thought I'd be doing you a favour by reporting the new holes in your software, especially a show-stopper like "does not play well with others", especially something so specific as a short timeline that would need to be within a small set of update patches, but clearly I'm wrong, so I'll stop wasting your precious time and let you get on with those 199 other new bug reports.

Audacity is a nicer program anyway.