Comment 6 for bug 204345

Revision history for this message
Jan Rathmann (kaiserclaudius) wrote :

I have done some testing on a fresh installation now, and it still seems as if Pulseaudio doesn't like my sound card configuration. Here is a step-by-step description of what I have done after installation:

- setting the Intel card as default device everywhere in System -> Settings -> Audio -> Devices
- then the right card is chosen in "normal" applications, except System sounds and Flash
- editing ~/.pulse/default-sink and inserting the correct device does not help, the change gets automatically reverted if I reboot my system (to name of the Creative card)
- neither does launching 'sudo pulseaudio -C --system' followed by 'set-default-sink index_of_the_Intel_card' in a terminal, so it is just ignored even if specify the desired playback device explicitly.

I guess it would once again help to temporary blacklist the Creative card, but this is of course not a so nice and intuitive solution. And I think it is in general an undesired behaviour if the Settings in System->Settings->Audio->Devices are ignored for some applications and there is no easy way to change that.

Another "workaround" I have tested is to uninstall everything related to Pulseaudio and installing esound, then everythings works fine as it did in Gutsy.

Kind regards,