Comment 20 for bug 1855584

Revision history for this message
sgqy (sgqy) wrote :

> #19

I tried the two kernel. For now. And have another problem, maybe not important. 🤔

5.3.0-24-ubuntu (current)

On the beginning, speaker never works. Headphone have only two volume: 0 and 100 (unable to change volume).

I removed '/var/lib/alsa/*' and '~/.config/pulse/*'.

1st reboot: pulseaudio not work.
2nd/3rd reboot: pulseaudio started. The volume is init value.

1st VLC play: speaker and headphone works. When changing volume, the music lags and lags and repeats.
2nd/3rd VLC play: volume changing becomes smooth. Everything just works.

(The two kernels have the same behavior above.)

But... The noise problem is random, keep watching. 😎