Comment 131 for bug 1801540

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In , rodomar705 (rodomar705-linux-kernel-bugs) wrote :

Update on this again:

After trying the extremely small other open non-Linux distributions, in hope to find more details on the codec, the only partially working implementation tried was the BSDs, the particular version tried by me was FreeBSD. After debugging issues with X non posting on KVM, I managed to boot it up and test their implementation. The problem is also present under FBSD, in a less aggressive manner however. It's almost usable, but it's nowhere near clear as in Windows. Unfortunately, other operating systems either are completely not booting under KVM or simply doesn't support it.

The only option is to compare the commands sent to the codec by Win vs Linux. After writing a regex, I've cleaned the trace leaving simply the raw commands sent by the codec.

The problem lies in the fact that Linux send to the codec approx 6k of commands, while win approx 8k. I can't find a parser online for the HDA specification, and if I have to go step by step with the datasheet by Intel and Realtek, this will take ages, frankly. Diffing the two files doesn't help that much, since the only partial matches are at the beginning of the initialization (and some further down, but it's not really that much).

I'll probably just try to send it as is, but maybe I'll try to reduce the combinations by trying reading the specs.

I'll replace the two previous traces with the new raw commands log, if someone want to take a peek at it.