Comment 2 for bug 478247

Revision history for this message
Chris Coulson (chrisccoulson) wrote :

When filing a sync request against a package which has Ubuntu changes, please show that you have checked whether these changes were merged by Debian, or justify why they can be dropped (else it creates extra work for the sponsors). The current version of psi has 2 changes documented in Ubuntu, which you haven't mentioned here:

- Upstream commit d440f16e1241915fed1d859c93ab54cb738112af; applied inline - I've checked the version from Debian, and this change is in the new version.

- debian-control: Don't build-depend on Qt << 4.5.0 - the new Debian version removes this build-depend too.

Based on this, ACK'd from me, but please could you check the Ubuntu delta in future :)