Comment 5 for bug 868885

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Xebec (xebec-yandex) wrote :

Christophe, of course I removed all links from rc* before I wrote my /etc/init/xebec-proftpd.conf. I know how to stop the process. The problem is not in starting it (as it starts just fine with either of your scripts) and stopping it at reboot (as it is killed naturally) or by kill. The problem is in writing correct upstart init script for it, so that upstart was aware of its PID, could monitor its status and stop it when I call "stop xebec-proftpd". I tried all possible permutations of using/not using start-stop-daemon, starting proftpd in daemon/nodaemon modes, specifying "expect fork", "expect daemon" and not specifying. I even tried using nondocumented pid directive in upstart script - all to no luck. In all cases either proftpd refuses to start on my boot events but starts/stops manually, or upstart starts it successfully but loses its PID.

I know your scripts starts proftpd for you just fine, but go ahead and check its status or try to stop it correctly - you will fail.