Comment 18 for bug 580512

Revision history for this message
ralphie (ralphie) wrote :

I'm running Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and this configuration works (tested with FileZilla client 3.3.1):

1. Install proftpd-basic 1.3.2c-1ubuntu0.1

2. Install gadmin-proftpd 1:0.3.8-1

3. Launch gadmin-proftpd and configure your settings. Under Secure communications: Verify clients: must be set to "Off". (FileZilla client does not support client certificates as a security feature since that is handled by a Username & Password) Apply your settings.

4. Modify /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf. Paste this line: TLSOptions AllowClientRenegotiations above the line that says: TLSRenegotiate required off (Save your changes)

5. Restart gadmin-proftpd and activate the server

Now here are the last two very important details for everything to work perfectly.

1. If the server ever fails to start you must make sure /var/run/proftpd exists. For some strange reason it disappears on shutdown (I have no idea why, Security feature?) Simple fix: run this line in a terminal: sudo mkdir /var/run/proftpd

2.When connecting with FileZIlla client you must use ftpes:// before the hostname (the "e" stands for explicit and yes it is still a secure connection)

Note: You may not be able to connect to yourself using your own local ip address. So try connecting using:

a. Your dynamic domain name or

b. Another computer on your network or

c. A remote computer