Comment 0 for bug 2035061

Revision history for this message
Robert Malz (rmalz) wrote :


uptime will provide incorrect data after 52 weeks. This is at least confusing for users utilizing this tool.
Issue is already fixed in upstream
Latest procps releases already include this patch (procps 4.0.3 lunar/mantic)
The fix is needed for following set of packages:
procps | 2:3.3.17-6ubuntu2 | jammy
procps | 2:3.3.16-1ubuntu2 | focal


UPTIME="31528920 31528800"; mkfifo uptime_fifo; while true; do cat <<<$UPTIME > uptime_fifo; done & sudo mount -obind uptime_fifo /proc/uptime
uptime -p
Running above commands will result in incorrect uptime output.


The patch is already available in upstream, lunar/mantic releases already include is as well.

Bug upstream:
Following patch is needed for older releases: