Comment 5 for bug 1068756

Revision history for this message
Tim Heckman (theckman) wrote :

I don't think you are correct. Here's why: the comments in the file mentioned in my original bug report (of which I actually included the full contents of the file) state the following:

'2 - prefer privacy addresses and use them over the normal addresses.'

Heavy emphasis on the word prefer. These addresses will be preferred for *ALL* IPv6 traffic. This means that for all outbound IPv6 traffic, unless explicitly bound, it will use the privacy extension address. Which is correct, this is what software *should* do. In addition to that, addresses brought up with privacy extension enabled are global addresses. So even if said software were to bring use the 'global' address they would get the privacy extension address as it is preferred. The kernel is working right, the software is working right, the bug is that the server image has this enabled by default.

So in short, you're absolutely wrong. The server image should not have this enabled, and the software that is communicating over IPv6 is doing *exactly* what it should. It's using the preferred IPv6 address.

I'm okay with this being enabled for desktops, but it has *no* place in server environments.
