Comment 12 for bug 94133

Revision history for this message
9johnny (s.j.) wrote :

Okay, I now found out how to make the script exec'd by powersaved. It would be pretty easy to put a case statment for event type, and make one script out of the two I have here, but I am really not big at shellscripting, so here is what I did:
in /etc/powersave/events I added to these two lines:
EVENT_GLOBAL_SUSPEND2RAM="prepare_suspend_to_ram ipw3945-off screen_saver do_suspend_to_ram"
EVENT_GLOBAL_RESUME_SUSPEND2RAM="restore_after_suspend_to_ram ipw3945-on"
notice the ipw3945-on and ipw3945-off , these scripts are located in /usr/lib/powersave/scripts , and are attached here.