Comment 0 for bug 1805044

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Paco Raxim (raxim1) wrote :

I have reported a bug about a lagging issue, and my CPU is not that high, not to handle the video playback. I had a feeling that the power save is doing some nasty stuff. Although it's not visible on the screen, seems to me that why I have seen some lines on the screen lately, because the ubuntu makes dimming every 10 sec, when I'm playing the video.

It's not the first one when the power safe management is a crap, it should be taken very seriously as I can send you my computer, and you can pay for it.

System-ud is making a CPU hog many times, just delete it, what it does really if I can kill easily and nothing crashes.

If you can do it in a years time not to mess up the power management, why you just not remove the whole. You are more likely corrupt graphics card if it does exist.

I have added this bug, which has been forwarded to chromium, but later on, it's happening all the program suddenly. Sometimes disappear, and 2 days within two weeks it's just a crap, how it behaves. I have upgraded the mesa, but the problem was just getting worse.