Comment 3 for bug 247332

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Scott Kitterman (kitterman) wrote :

23:15] <lamont> 'twould be nice if USAGE were a function, just to have it not evaluate every run - but that's a nit
[23:15] <lamont> and very minor grumbles about you making me update debian/copyright
[23:16] <lamont> could you pretty please pick one of the standard licenses, and name it?
[23:16] <ScottK> OK.
[23:16] * ScottK tries to remember
[23:16] <lamont> I don't care if it's the postfix license, or another non-conflicting one
[23:16] <ScottK> That's MIT license.
[23:17] <lamont> and I think PEP-8 (?) or somewhere wants imports to be one per line
[23:17] <lamont> or such
[23:17] <lamont> OTOH, you're much closer to PEP-8 that most of my stuff before I started paying attention to it under threat of pain
[23:18] <lamont> I also tend to make a function called __main__ or such and just say if __name__ == '__main__': \n __main__()
[23:18] <lamont> which gives me something I can call when I'm playing with python -i and such
[23:19] <ScottK> Right.
[23:19] <ScottK> I looked and PEP-8 says one per line.
[23:20] <lamont> so general feedback would be PEP-8 conformance, the muttering about main() and USAGE, and otherwise a handwavy "looks at least not-unreasonable, if not just plain reasonable, +1"
[23:21] <lamont> and is shutil all the rage these days? /me hasn't ever used it
[23:21] <lamont> while understanding that it may be the new hotness and I'm not. :)
[23:21] <ScottK> OK. The one functional shortcut that it takes that might be an excessive one is it just assumes if the name of the smtpd you want setup appears anywhere in it's a bad idea.
[23:22] <ScottK> The shutil usage is a result of, "Gee, never had to do that before, let's see what the shiny new edition of Python in a Nutshell has to say about it."
[23:23] <ScottK> Honestly I don't want to go to the effort to make it smart enough to do the case where it has to find out if it's a duplicative service name or something else.
[23:23] <ScottK> Maybe I just add MIT to common-licenses and make it easy.
[23:24] <lamont> anywhere as in anywhere? or anywhere as first token?
[23:25] <ScottK> Anywhere like it parses line by line through your and if it finds the string you gave as your desired service name it says no thanks.
[23:25] <ScottK> And stops.
[23:25] <ScottK> For a helper script like this I think it's better to bail out in the face of any uncertainty that to try to be to smart about it.
[23:26] <ScottK> The use case I'm thinking about it you don't want to run it twice by accident and end up adding the same service two times in