Comment 17 for bug 59316

Revision history for this message
Helge Willum Thingvad (helgesdk) wrote :

I'm running Hardy beta, and experiencing the ugly font rendering in Evince.
The same document looks fine in xPDF, but for some reason Evince wont display the smooth fonts.
I have following font packages installed:
 xfonts-base xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable ttf-freefont msttcorefonts language-support-fonts-ja

Viewing at 100% zoom in Evince strains the eyes a lot. I have to zoom to 120% and it is still considerably choppy.
Rendering in xPDF at 100% zoom is flawless, even though in size it is similar to ~80% zoom in Evince (here it is completely unreadable).