Comment 6 for bug 562588

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Chuck Money (chuckdmoney) wrote :

FYI I just reinstalled poppler, bug still occurs exactly as it did with the file I attached at first, so it clearly still isn't fixed.

Some extensive googling has revealed that evince added support for DRM in pdf files previously, and after a big stink in 2005, it was removed. Looking in gconf-editor, I noticed the override_restrictions value under apps > evince, and it is enabled. Since clearly evince does not support DRM, or at the least, is currently set to ignore it, I am starting to think maybe evince is misinterpreting the DRM as a password. However, when disabling the option in gconf-editor, the problem continues unabated.

I cannot believe the developers are busying themselves with making embedded images render faster when such basic functionality as being able to open the file in the first place is being ignored! Someone PLEASE mark this confirmed so the devs will at least start working on it!