Comment 8 for bug 210832

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Bernhard Gehl (bernhard-gehl) wrote :

Ok, I just noticed that my "new toy" (suspend even with fglrx) is broken again. *sigh* Ok, that's beta, so perhaps I can do something to help.

It's still a Laptop (LG S1) with Core2Duo, ati/AMD x1600
Currently I'm running Hardy beta1, pm-utils 0.99.2-3ubuntu8, kernel 2.6.24-14.25 (generic flavour) with "out-of-the-box" restricted/ubuntu modules.

Suspending works nice (since the "chvt 1"-patch, I even don't get those pesky grey stripes on shutdown anymore) but resume is an utter failure: the power light comes on, the harddrive spins up, makes one _very_ short access and thats all. No screen, no hd activity, nothing.

Log: (pm-suspend.log attached - I'm learning ;-) )
Well, this is why I don't start a new bug. Obviously the "very short hd access" results in the system writing "power-pmu : Failed to open /dev/pmu"

Shouldn't that have been solved?

Oh - by the way - is this bug related to bug #204588 in any way?