Comment 19 for bug 198808

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Bernhard Gehl (bernhard-gehl) wrote :

Is it absolutely necessary to implement the "sensible defaults" in the code of hal/pm-utils or wouldn't it be possible to use fdi files for that?

Why not put something in like "25-kernel-quirk-pm-checkdefaults.fdi" which
1) matches for the pm-quirks and exits if any (including the ".none") quirks are set
2) matches for the ati/nvidia/intel drivers and exits if one of these is used (fglrx manifests as "info.linux.driver = fglrx_pci" - I don't know about nvidia and intel but wouldn't it be easy to implement setting suitable keys that in a startup-script?)
3) matches system.kernel.version and sets the corresponding sensible defaults

In this way, the pm-quirk-behaviour would be completely guided by config files and changing it wouldn't require modifying code?

Oh - and picking up an idea I got from awen on Bug #202814: I think it would help diagnosing the suspend/resume process a lot, if the pm-suspend-script contained a line like "echo $* >> ~/pm-suspend.log" to log the quirks it was called with.

P.S.: Sorry if I made a stupid suggestion, I'm quite new to all this hal-fdi-stuff...