Comment 20 for bug 595648

Revision history for this message
Davidos (davidos-di) wrote :

Have a look at probably simpler solution provided here:

The solution is to install plymouth-dummy package and remove the standard one. Then everything works fine as earlier.
This is fully based on
Oliver Joos (oliver-joos) wrote on 2012-03-25: #78

Ok then, here is the ready-to-install plymouth-dummy_1.0_all.deb! It's an empty package but allows to remove plymouth while keeping the packages that have wrong dependencies to plymouth.

To workaround this (WontFix??) bug and remove plymouth just execute 2 commands in a Terminal:
  sudo dpkg -i plymouth-dummy_1.0_all.deb
  sudo apt-get remove plymouth

Advanced users can build plymouth-dummy_1.0_all.deb themselves: see comment 16
Many thanks to Christian Kujau!

I've tested it on 12.04 LTS