Comment 3 for bug 526321

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Claudio Moretti (flyingstar16) wrote :

I'm using cryptsetup 2:1.1.0~rc2-1ubuntu12 to unlock the root filesystem (sda6_crypt) and the home filesystem (sda7_crypt) that is unlocked with a keyfile located into the root fs.
Here's my /etc/crypttab

sda5_crypt /dev/sda5 /dev/urandom cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256,size=256,swap
sda6_crypt /dev/disk/by-uuid/9fb5d009-5509-4886-9324-b43d9fd0d161 none luks
sda7_crypt /dev/disk/by-uuid/5402c06c-196d-4d97-a3da-ec45ff103ac0 /etc/crypt.key luks

I don't really know why I'm booting without the "splash" option, I can only think I don't remember having removed it from /etc/default/grub. Should I put it there? I thought that without the splash option plymouth would fallback to the text theme (if there is one)

root@Jarvis:~# plymouth-set-default-theme --list

Isn't the "script" one?

The only thing I want to clearly point out is that before "patching" the plymouth.conf file my system did not boot. It forced me to Alt+SysRq+K it and drop to a root shell prompt.
So I understand that you - a developer - knows that the post-start command is wrong, but now my system boots quite as fast as it did with 0.8.0-~8 (later versions did not boot) so I think about what may be wrong with it.