Comment 24 for bug 519891

Revision history for this message
Tom Louwrier (tom-louwrier) wrote :

hi Steve,

Booted up just now and pulled in last night's s**tload of updates, many Xorg and libdrm related.
Rebooted and got lucky without using 'nomodeset'.
- saw the logo
- got the login screen OK
- rebooted to check this wasn't a fluke
- saw the logo during shutdown
After that KMS borked again (twice) and I had to use 'nomodeset' again.
- saw the blue/white bar broken up by some messages
- got the garbled half screen. :-(
- alt-sysreq-k fixed it
After that everything worked as it should.

So it seems that if KMS works, so will Plymouth.
Using the 'nomodeset' flag is a workaround for the KMS issue, but breaks Plymouth.
