Comment 22 for bug 519891

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Tom Louwrier (tom-louwrier) wrote : Re: [Bug 519891] Re: Lucid breaks every other day; no gui and no tty (ATI 200M)

hi Steve.

I tried both with and without just now. With KMS (no 'nomodeset') the
screen went into vertical lines straight away and I did give that
another go. I rebooted again and used 'nomodeset'.
I have not put it in my grub.cfg permanently.

Since the KMS-related problem is intermittent, I have seen the logo on
some occasions when 'nomodeset' was not used. Those times I would get a
successful boot.

Problem is that when KMS plays up, after grub I get the vertical lines
almost immediately and no useful information can be seen anymore.
Might be that on the next try without 'nomodeset' the system does boot
correctly and that I will see the logo. I will let you know. Not much
more we can do until the KMS thing gets fixed I guess, unless you know
things for me to do to separate the effects of these two issues (see
als bug 509273).


Steve Langasek wrote:
> Tom,
> You wrote:
>> On the ATI 200M machine when I did see the Ubuntu logo I knew it would
>> boot fine. When I didn't I would reach for the power button almost
>> straight away because that meant it was going to hang with the vertical
>> lines or garbled screen.
> The attached information from apport shows that there's no way you could
> have seen the Ubuntu logo when booting this way (nomodeset, and VGA16 as
> the only available framebuffer). When you tested the latest version of
> plymouth in comment #5, were you testing it with 'nomodeset', or did you
> also test it with KMS enabled?
> With the current version of plymouth, and KMS enabled, you should
> *always* see the Ubuntu logo (a bug that sometimes prevented it from
> being shown was fixed). If you don't, that's another bug that we
> probably need to figure out first.