Comment 20 for bug 1767918

Revision history for this message
Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre (cyphermox) wrote :

That's not what I mean though. For SRU verification we should aim to have a positive identification of the exact version of the plymouth package that was used for the tests.

For example, this can be achieved by looking at 'dpkg -l plymouth | cat':

| 状態=(N)無/(I)インストール済/(C)設定/(U)展開/(F)設定失敗/(H)半インストール/(W)トリガ待ち/(T)トリガ保留
|/ エラー?=(空欄)無/(R)要再インストール (状態,エラーの大文字=異常)
||/ 名前 バージョン アーキテクチ 説明
ii plymouth 0.9.3-1ubuntu8 amd64 boot animation, logger and I/O multiplexer

This is from my PC, on cosmic. The version number on bionic would be different.