Comment 13 for bug 1255631

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Ronin Dusette (ronindusette) wrote :

gollo (sean-gollschewsky)
"Josh's comment is unhelpful and IMHO against the entire ethos of Ubuntu."

It is not something that we packages, and to be honest, I was under the impression that it was from our site. I apologize for that.

mulx - yes, I see that now. I never install from repos, so this is not something that I had seen. To be honest, I did not know that curl was not a standard lib in Ubuntu and its flavours.

"As I said before, people don't like having to do things manually, it's why they go back to Windows. If we can make things more automated and easy then people are more likely to stay. Stop pushing people away."

Dude, calm down. You really are making the argument that installing curl from a point-and-click interface is going to immediately push them to ANY OS in general? I am not pushing people away. I made a mistake. So chill out.

As for it going against the "ethos of Ubuntu", this particular incident was from the packager not including the dependencies that are already in the vanilla POL debs from our repo. Why? I have no clue. It seems silly to me that dependencies for things in our builds we be deemed unnecessary in the minds of Ubuntu packagers. I have been getting emails about this issue for months. Actually, almost a year. And the packages have not fixed the dependency issue, even though it is almost a year old now.

The Ubuntu packagers need to fix this bug, as it is apparent what it is needed:

Ads20000 - In my opinion, the only people pushing anyone away are the people pushing debs with broken/missing dependencies to the Ubuntu main repo. This should be a very simple issue to fix for them, but it is the packagers issue.

So, now that we have all of that settled..... is anyone going to repackage it for Ubuntu's repos? haha. I mean, that is the whole reason for this thread, and this should literally be a 10 minute fix, if that. Let's get it fixed, and for good, and move on.