Comment 7 for bug 1219684

Revision history for this message
Ronin Dusette (ronindusette) wrote :

This is NOT A BUG. We (The PlayOnLinux Team) have stated previously that whatever bugs are being reported here have been corrected. The version in ALL of Ubuntu's repositories (as far as I can see) is SUPER old. The current STABLE version that is recommended for use is PlayOnLinux 4.2.1. This is NOT available through the default repositories, but is readily available from

Please add PlayOnLinux version 4.2.1 to the Official Repositories, so that people can use that one. Filing bug reports for an old version of our software is counter-productive.

Obviously, if it pops up and says that you are missing a dependency, then that is the problem. It states that you need curl and 7zip. This is far from a bug; its a dependency. Very easy to fix. Simply:

sudo apt-get install curl p7zip-full

will fix the "error" that is being seen.

If people want to see updates in the software, then the Ubuntu repo admins need to bring the version of POL in their repo to the current version, or simply install POL 4.2.1 from If Ubuntu will not update their repo with our current version, then you will need to update it via our site, otherwise, we cannot do anything about it. Hopefully the current version will be pushed into Ubuntu's repository. Im not sure why it has not been moved into their repo yet, anyway. But, it is what it is.