Comment 48 for bug 1085706

Revision history for this message
Sam (sa-ma) wrote :

I'm seeing this currently on one of my two Linux Mint 19.3 installations (both are on the same system).

I usually use a keyboard shortcut to lock the desktop and blank the screen, the command it runs is the following:
bash -c "cinnamon-screensaver-command -l; sleep 8s; xset dpms force off; "

This has always worked, but now on one of the installations it blanks the screen but after a while wakes up again without me doing anything. The only thing out of the ordinary I see in the journal (that I don't see on the secondary installation) is that every time I locked the screen this happens:

Sender: cinnamon-screen
Message: pam_ecryptfs: seteuid error

So I guess this could be related to what causes the screen to wake, and I have no idea why. So I'm in the process now of making a fresh reinstall and then gradually install/test the stuff I use to try and narrow down what causes this.