Comment 19 for bug 326132

Revision history for this message
Matt Ruffalo (mruffalo) wrote :

Count me as another person who would like to be able to paste in to pinentry-qt4.

This is a horrible deliberate usability problem that the upstream developers seem unwilling to address, and 'Marcus Brinkmann' says in "There is nothing stopping distributions from doing the same integration work, if there is demand for it." It appears that distributions like Ubuntu are reponsible for overriding the upstream behavior.

It looks like OpenSuSE's pinentry-qt4 package is patched to allow copy/paste, according to . The patch seems to be available at , which implements Dmitry's comments in #17.

I downloaded pinentry-0.8.1 and patched it according to (I found this before the OpenSuSE package/patch), and copied the custom pinentry-qt4 to ~/bin. My .gnupg/gpg-agent.conf contains "pinentry-program /home/mruffalo/bin/pinentry-qt4" and I'm now able to paste long random passwords from KeePassX.

+1 for shipping either patch in the pinentry-qt4 package (and an equivalent change to the GTK version, if appropriate), since Ubuntu wouldn't be the first distribution to do so.