Comment 5 for bug 320528

Revision history for this message
In , deleted (to-delete) wrote :

Version: (using Devel)
OS: Linux
Installed from: Compiled sources

I tried to connect to GMX's jabber server and got the information that this is a unknown host. A quick check with PSI showed me that the server works fine and only kopete isn't able to connect.
My current version of kopete is Version 0.60.82

Further investigations showed that the first packet send to the server differs between kopete and PSI

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<stream:stream xmlns:stream="" version="1.0" xmlns="jabber:client" to="" xml:lang="en" xmlns:xml="" >

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<stream:stream xmlns:stream="" xmlns="jabber:client" to="" >

I tested it with `cat bad|nc 5222` but both versions showed the same behavior and the server send only

<?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client' xmlns:stream='' id='1839397057' from='dummyhost' xml:lang='en'><stream:error><host-unknown xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/></stream:error></stream:stream>

The next one was to check which server I connect to... and this seems to be the problem. Kopete connects to ( and PSI to

A quick check which DNS packets were send showed the really difference. Kopete asks for the ip of and PSI asks about `host -t SRV -c IN` (and maybe falls back if to kopetes behaviour when it fails).

See for more information about that.