Comment 4 for bug 150546

Revision history for this message
jojomp (johannes-prechtl) wrote :

I've had this bug, too. The Buddy-List shows me the name of the group a user belongs to insted of his username. When viewing the tooltip, the username in the list changes to another user's name, and the tooltip only shows the icq number and the user's picture.

User "foobar" belongs to group "foo"

Buddy-List shows:

When viewing the tooltip:

 123456789 (Picture)

The Debug window shows me (partially German):
(12:55:53) Gtk: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Fehler in Zeile 2: Zeichen » « ist am Anfang eines Entitätsnamens ungültig; eine Entität beginnt mit dem Zeichen &; wenn das Et keine Entität sein soll, es als & umschreiben

I think this might be due to the user's status message. It contains "&" , "~" etc.


blist: Updating buddy status for 331542819 (ICQ)

Everything is correct again.