Comment 0 for bug 307964

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goto (gotolaunchpad) wrote : OTR should close a session, if the other chat partnet logs out

Binary package hint: pidgin-otr

just had some problem while using OTR. I tested a bit around and found out, that Pidgin-OTR does not close the OTR-session when the other partner logs out. This results in a big mess. One example:
There is a working OTR-Session.
One chat partner closes pidgin. He restarts it and opens a chat to the partner, he was writing to.
Now in his chat windows it sais "Not private" and in the other (who has not quited pidgin) it still says "Private". Now the one who restarted pidgin sends the other a message. And with this message he starts to initiate an OTR-session. Now there come the problems:
(22:07:40) Successfully refreshed the private conversation with xxx //seems good so far
(22:07:40) OTR Error: You sent encrypted data to xxx, , who wasn't expecting it. //oh, that's bad.

Actually those two clients should negotiate a new session. Butoften this does not work and there are more and more messages that the other could not read something and was needed to resend and the other one tried to make a new session and so on. Had these problem a few times.

I think it would be the best, if a session gets ended automatically, if the other contact (or one self) logs out. There is no need to keep the session up. It only makes confusion, if one contact writes later with another session.
Thanks for reading! :)