Comment 25 for bug 191251

Revision history for this message
Dan Libby (dan-libby) wrote :

As a PHP and PHC user, I also request that php-embed be added.

PHC is a useful tool for enabling high performance PHP code. High traffic, high availability sites such as my client's are always looking for ways to squeeze out more performance from their code, and PHC provides a good option for that. ( Thank-you Paul! )

I would love to be able to do "apt-get install phc" and have it "just work". I feel that debian and ubuntu are doing a dis-service to Paul's project, its users, those that have commented in this thread, and others, by refusing to apply a simple patch that has been contributed years ago. I believe that not having a simple install option for php-embed has negatively affected PHC's adoption and widespread use.

With regards to PHP's merits, I migrated to it from C in 1999. I found it to be very easy for a C developer to learn, and much faster and easier to develop applications. I have also used python, perl, java, and other languages but always return to PHP when I need to build something quickly due to its flexibility, expressiveness, library, documentation, wide availability of examples, and so on. In my experience, it is entirely possible to build complex applications in PHP with similar defect rates to java or other applications.

Maintainers: Please put your personal biases aside and re-consider adding this package.


Dan Libby

NOT a member of either PHP or PHC dev teams.