Activity log for bug #1566078

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2016-04-05 00:41:49 Nish Aravamudan bug added bug
2016-04-05 00:41:58 Nish Aravamudan bug task added php-ssh2 (Ubuntu)
2016-04-05 00:42:08 Nish Aravamudan bug task added php-pecl-http (Ubuntu)
2016-04-05 00:42:22 Nish Aravamudan summary Rebuild packages to pick up correct /etc path for PHP 7.0 modules Packings refer to incorrect /etc path for PHP 7.0 modules
2016-04-05 00:44:00 Nish Aravamudan attachment added attachment
2016-04-05 00:44:13 Nish Aravamudan bug added subscriber Steve Langasek
2016-04-05 00:44:27 Nish Aravamudan summary Packings refer to incorrect /etc path for PHP 7.0 modules Packages refer to incorrect /etc path for PHP 7.0 modules
2016-04-05 02:13:30 Steve Langasek php-ssh2 (Ubuntu): status New Fix Committed
2016-04-05 02:13:33 Steve Langasek php-apcu (Ubuntu): status New Fix Committed
2016-04-05 03:41:25 Steve Langasek php-pecl-http (Ubuntu): status New Fix Committed
2016-04-05 04:34:23 Launchpad Janitor php-pecl-http (Ubuntu): status Fix Committed Fix Released