Comment 0 for bug 1699659

Revision history for this message
Jason Short (shortj) wrote :

In the course of diagnosing an issue with a PHP module (xdebug in this case) kept re-enabling itself during upgrades of libapache2-mod-php7.0, I found the following:

1. libapache2-mod-php7.0 postscript sources /usr/lib/php/php-maintscript-helper from php-common to re-enable modules that have not been administratively disabled.

2. php-maintscript-helper calls phpenmod based on the output and return codes of phpquery

3. phpquery calls its own action() function, which initializes the $ret variable to 0

4. phpquery action() calls into various other functions in the script, and sets the $ret variable based on their returns

5. phpquery action() returns 0

6. php-maintscript-helper correspondingly calls phpenmod on all available php modules for the apache2 SAPI

Source link for xenial:

the following addition to action() after the esac is necessary to bubble up the internal functions' returns:

return $ret