Comment 0 for bug 1657256

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Mario Splivalo (mariosplivalo) wrote :

I'm trying to set up percona-xtradb-cluster-5.5 on PPC machine. While the package installs fine, as soon as I run sysbench oltp becnhmark against it, Percona dies (even when I start the benchmark with just one connection).

I can also crash mysql manually, by updating the sbtest table (which is created by the sysbench utility):

mysql> update sbtest set pad = 'mario1' limit 1000000;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query

Sometimes I need to repeat this update (with different values for 'pad' field) few times. This happens regardless of weather I run the UPDATE inside the transaction or not.

This is the assertion found in the log file:

170117 21:10:55 InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 70366668321152 in file buf0buf.ic line 1277
InnoDB: Failing assertion: block->page.buf_fix_count > 0

This is a single-node percona-xtradb-cluster server, without wsrep_provied configured, run inside 14.04 lxc container on 16.04 host.

I'm attaching the full log file, mysql configuration file and the core dump generated.

The version of the package installed is this 5.5.37-25.10+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2.