Comment 2 for bug 608950

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Tony Whelan (tony-whelan) wrote :

Running pdfshuffler 0.5.1 from a terminal window, I import several PDFs, and I can see from the terminal window that one of them is regarded by pdfshuffler as corrupt as it shows an error in the terminal window.

If then I delete the corrupt file from the pdfshuffler window, the remaining files cannot be exported. The same error message occurs in both cases.

 It seems that a corrupted file spoils the entire session and you need to close the program and start again.

The error I get when I try to export the attached file is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/pdfshuffler", line 417, in choose_export_pdf_name
  File "/usr/bin/pdfshuffler", line 438, in export_to_file
    pdfdoc_inp = PdfFileReader(file(pdfdoc.copyname, 'rb'))
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/pyPdf/", line 277, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/pyPdf/", line 651, in read
    offset, generation = line[:16].split(" ")
ValueError: too many values to unpack

Interestingly, the 'corrupted' file I have just tested this on was produced by Ubuntu's Simple Scan (in text mode, 150dpi), and it displays fine in Adobe Reader 9 or Document Viewer 2.32.0. I've rescanned it 3 times and it still breaks pdfshuffler.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10, 32-bit version.