Comment 0 for bug 1152551

Revision history for this message
Luca Borrione (luca.borrione) wrote :

Two PCs connected to a router on the same worgroup.
Create a shared folder called 'sharedFolder' on PC1 and access it from PC2 through pcmanfm using the menu Go -> Network Devices -> PC1 -> sharedFolder which will basically navigate to

1. make a test folder and create a softlink in it pointing to a non-existing file
sudo mkdir test
cd test
ln -sT ../xyz test.txt

1. Through pcmanfm go to smb://pc1/sharedFolder as said before and cut the test folder with right-menu -> cut & paste it somewhere such as your desktop using right-menu -> paste

Result: a modal window wil open hanging forever

if you use the command-line
mv test ~/
everything will work (eventual other staff will be moved leaving back only the broken link)
and an error will be reported
'cannot remove test' directory not empty