Comment 2 for bug 22301

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Timothy Miller (theosib) wrote :

This time, I decided that I would create the first two RAID partitions, then
join them, then the next two and join them. I created the two partitions, then
told it to set up software RAID, but it would only show me one of the
partitions. Exiting the RAID configurer and going back in made it show me both
partitions. I select them both and tell it to Continue, and then tell the next
menu to finish. When I get back to the partitioner, it doesn't show me the MD

I had done this before, and it worked. The only thing I can think of as
different is how I've decided to divide up the drives.

I have one 15.3G drive, one 6.4G, and one 6.8G.

The first time, I made a 6.4 on each drive and RAID0'd them all together. I
used the other space for swap, boot, and extra.

This time, I want to make a 6.4 and a 6.8 on the 15.3G drive and then raid them
up correspondingly, then I figured I would LVM the two RAID0's together to
concatenate them (assuming I understand LVM right). But I'm not able to get
past the low-level partitioning point and get it to actually let me RAID0 pairs
of partitions.