Comment 13 for bug 945433

Revision history for this message
Phillip Susi (psusi) wrote :

gdisk and fdisk do not appear to be disagreeing on the size of the disk. I reproduced the problem in an image file by restoring the gpt backup and gdisk does not complain about the size mismatch when I make the image file 312579695 sectors long, but it does complain that the disk has the wrong size when I made the image file 312581808 sectors long. This points to gdisk comparing the disk size to the MBR size, rather than the GPT size.

Ahmad, could you attach your /var/log/kern.log file, and also post the output of sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda? I'd like to try and verify what the correct size of your drive is. Also you might try booting into MacOS and and see how big it thinks the drive is, and if you still have a 10.04 cd, boot it and check fdisk -l there, and make sure parted still does not crash.

I suspect that the MBR size got changed since you last ran 10.04, and trying it again will now crash just like 12.04 does, and MacOS does not report anything wrong because it doesn't bother checking the size, or because it is checking the wrong size, like gdisk is.