Comment 1 for bug 7993

Revision history for this message
Jan Moren (jan-moren) wrote :

I can verify this (or an extremely similar bug). I edit the size, but the change
never happens; I come back to the partition list, and the partition is the same
size as before my attempted edit.

Additionally, I have found no way to not get this effect; it does not matter
where on the line I put the cursor, or how I format the request - these all give
the same result: "45Gb", "45 Gb", " 45 GB", "45.0 Gb", "45.0 GB" (and a few more
I've forgotten by now).

Poosibly related is that the partition (which is about 55GB in size) is
identified as an ext3 partition, but the partitioner claims that the smallest
possible size is 512 bytes, even though the disk is about 45% full. The largest
possible size corresponds to the current sie, of course.

The same disk image when run in qemu does not exhibit either the resize problem
nor the confused size estimation.