Comment 53 for bug 568050

Revision history for this message
Nathaniel W. Turner (nturner) wrote :

Perhaps there are several root causes here, or perhaps not, but here's what I'm seeing: If I switch to VT1 after getting the "ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of Serial ATA RAID isw_cebbgjjbbi_Volume0 (string) failed" message, and tail the syslog, I see "partman: Could not stat /dev/mapper/isw_cebbgjjbbi_Volume01 --- No such file or directory". If I then look in /dev/mapper, I see that the device node for partition 1 appears as isw_cebbgjjbbi_Volume0p1.

That is, the dmraid partition entries in /dev/mapper are of the form XpY, while it appears partman is expecting them to be of the form XY (which is how they used to appear in /dev/mapper in prior releases).