Comment 1 for bug 1870235

Revision history for this message
Rafael David Tinoco (rafaeldtinoco) wrote :

Cherry-picks that seem to make sense after 2.0.3 release are:

Fix: tools: Fix definition of curses_indented_printf.
Fix: iso8601: Fix crm_time_parse_offset() to parse offset with plus sign.
Log: libcrmcommon: correctly raise detail log line length
Low: libcrmservice: handle child wait errors appropriately
Log: libcrmservice: improve messages when waiting for child process
Refactor: libcrmservice: isolate SIGCHLD handling
Fix: libstonithd, tools: Fix arguments to stonith-event.
Fix: libpengine: Options should be unsigned int, not long.
Fix: libstonithd: Some validate arguments should be non-const.
Fix: scheduler: make sure cluster-wide maintenance-mode=true overrides per-resource settings
Fix: tools: Correct the crm_mon man page.

There are too many fixes but mostly related to in-development refactorings so it's hard to distinguish if a fix is fixing something that exists already in v2.0.3.

I preferred to be conservative and pick the ones that made more sense - core parts - and were solved right after the release (and of course didn't introduce new features and major code refactoring).

A list of all commits after v2.0.3 can be seen at: