Comment 8 for bug 870693

Revision history for this message
Jonathan Meek (shroudedcloud) wrote :

"this is the approach that ubuntu developers took with the Global/Application Menu."

Still largely experimental/ design is still being worked on. And, part of the reason it is designed to be hidden is to de-emephasize over-reliance on menus. Not a vaild point.

Though, that last point of mine is valid: the overlays are meant to de-emphasize the thumb. (In a way, don't take this statement too literally. )

How is usability hurt? Is it not practice for you to touch with pointer or finger whatever you're interacting with? What about the semi-hidden nature of the thumb suggests otherwise? NOTHING I can think of in computer design says that something appearing should coincide with it being clickable or even usable. Personal preference is not necessarily proper design. Unless there is a truly valid reason why it should never be there unless it is clickable, you really should mark this invalid.